

A radiologic technologist, also known as a radiographer, is a healthcare professional that performs x rays and other diagnostic imaging examinations on patients in the 疾病或损伤的治疗和诊断.  放射技师使用各种类型的 equipment depending on their specialty, such as X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, or sonography equipment. 他们也可能 use special equipment that produces ionizing radiation to administer doses of the 放射治疗癌症等疾病. x射线检查要求 application of numerous scientific principles and an interest and desire to care for 生病和受伤的人. 放射技师和其他卫生专业人员一样,也必须这样做 actively involved in continuing education throughout their professional career in order to maintain professional competency and to keep abreast of the ever-advancing 医学领域发生的技术变化. 的 美国放射技师注册(ARRT) reports that radiologic technologists make up the third-largest group of health care 专业人员——在数量上仅次于医生和护士.


Review the radiology professional disciplines below as defined by the 美国放射技师注册(ARRT)


Because they can aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases, mammograms 是医疗保健的重要组成部分吗. 事实上,自1990年以来,乳房x光检查已经有所帮助 将乳腺癌死亡人数减少近三分之一.

Many mammography patients come in for routine screenings; others might have lumps 或者其他乳腺癌的迹象. 作为一名乳房x光检查医师,你要操作专门的设备, obtaining images that help physicians detect breast cancer and other breast diseases 在他们最初的阶段.

Mammograms are personal—and sometimes frightening—procedures for patients. 你可以 当人们接受筛查和检查时,做一个安慰的人. 通过获得抗逆转录病毒治疗 certification and registration in Mammography, you’ll also have the knowledge and 提供最高水平的病人护理的技能.


MRI procedures play an important role in diagnosing diseases and injuries. 在 an MRI, the resonant frequency properties of atoms are used within a magnetic field 对身体的解剖和/或生理状况进行成像.

Although a radiologist reviews MRI results, as a technologist you’re responsible for 尽可能获得最好的图像. 你的病人可能很痛苦,或者 他们可能会有幽闭恐惧症. 你要一边和病人交谈一边提供支持 让他们知道接下来会发生什么.

As an MRI technologist, you’ll work with radiologists to play an important role on 病人的医疗团队. 核磁共振是一个有益的领域,你会学习和成长 技术的进步.


As a vascular interventional radiographer, you’ll assist physicians with minimally invasive, image-guided vascular procedures, including angioplasty, stenting, thrombolysis, 和更多的. Using sophisticated fluoroscopic equipment, you’ll be responsible for capturing 血管的图像.

Working in a hospital, clinic, lab, or outpatient center, you’ll have a rewarding 工作,并成为医疗团队照顾病人的重要组成部分.


CT是一个令人兴奋和充实的职业. 作为一名CT技师,你可能会工作 在医院或影像中心. 你要对身体的各个部位进行扫描 原因有很多. 有些病人需要影像来诊断疾病或急症 条件. Others need CT scans in emergencies, so physicians can understand the extent 受伤的. 当你做手术时,你的技能和信心将会 关键是要平衡图像质量和辐射剂量. 你也会提供信息 安抚紧张的病人.


Sonography is a rewarding career path with a range of areas in which to specialize. Sonographers (also known as ultrasound technologists) work in hospitals, doctors’ 办公室和诊断诊所.

As a sonographer, you’ll operate specialized equipment, using nonionizing, high-frequency sound waves to create images of a patient’s internal organs and tissues. 你会表演 the procedures for a variety of purposes-including creating images of an unborn child.


Radiologists and radiation oncologists often prescribe radiation therapy for patients 谁有癌症或其他严重疾病. 作为一名放射治疗师,你将参与其中 of the team that helps plans and administers these treatments, and monitors patients' 条件. You'll use special equipment that produces ionizing radiation to administer 放射治疗剂量.

你的部分工作也可能是为神经紧张的病人提供支持. 处理 a serious disease is usually a challenging and frightening experience. 有一个熟练的 and caring radiation therapist can often make a great deal of difference.



放射科医生是专门研究放射学的医生. 放射科医生 与疾病的诊断和治疗有关吗. 成为一名放射科医生,一个 must spend four years in pre-medical education, four years in medical school, and 通常在放射科做四年的实习或住院医师.

A radiographer/radiologic technologist/radiation therapist/sonographer performs the technical aspects of radiology and acts as a physician's (radiologist) assistant. 的se healthcare professionals are experts at operating complex radiologic machinery 进行影像测试. 它们不能像放射照相那样诊断疾病 图像,或处方治疗疾病或受伤.


检查U.S. 劳工统计局 职业展望手册 工资和就业机会. 获得专业领域将会增加 起薪. 一个人的薪水也应该随着经验的积累而增加. However, whether or not one receives higher salaries depends on the individual, and 他/她发展新专业知识的愿望.


For more information about careers in Radiologic Technology and the professional disciplines, 访问这些网站: